Thursday, September 10, 2015

first post yet again !!!

     After so many years I am back again on this blog. and the thing that stuck me most about it is my previous post party@Mircosft. At that time there was a lot of excitement and everything appeared so perfect. Now that I have worked in Microsoft and having attended its many parties, may be better organised than before and offering much more than that night. But I always have few thing to add to improve them.  This made me realize me may be it wasn't the party that was so awesome. It was something else with didn't even appear in that post and those were my  F.R.I.E.N.D.S. I really miss my friends company of whom converted everything awesome around me. Also, I use to say to my friends that this is the best time of our lives but  not even I was not convinced within. But today I can definitely say that was truly awesome. Many Thanks to all my friends being for there.
  Back gaining conciseness, this is my first post againnnn. But this time I will sincerely try to blog more often as I have been working on lot of open source technologies and SEARCH.